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I also see from my customer set a high demand for a usage based license model. Thus supporting this idea.
Idea / RFE Review. Thank you Jean for taking the time to raise this enhancement request, and also for the exchanges with Len and James, which please rest assured have been passed on to the product management team, in addition to this Aha suggestion. I know there will be more detailed dedicated discussion of this issue away from the Aha idea itself, but for the benefit of other readers, we'd certainly like to acknowledge that start-up costs for containers (and its potential ramifications for high water-mark license costs) is a known pain point for some of our users. We are also examining what can be done at the technical level to provide some relief here (pre-compiling BAR content, turning off various aspects of an integration server if not required for particular BAR file use cases etc.), but noting the specific request here is to change our licensing model to provide real-time usage based pricing we are updating the status of this particular idea to Future Consideration.