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You can set qcode-warn value in throttle settings via CLI, WebGUI, ..., here with CLI (default is 10% free, earliest start is 65% free or 35% used):
idg# co
Global mode
idg(config)# throttle
Modify Throttle Settings configuration
idg(config throttle)# qcode-warn
Usage: qcode-warn <percent>
idg(config throttle)# show
admin-state enabled
memory-throttle 20 %
memory-terminate 5 %
temp-fs-throttle 0 %
temp-fs-terminate 0 %
qcode-warn 50 %
timeout 30 seconds
status-log off
status-loglevel debug
sensors-log on
backlog-size 0
backlog-timeout 30 seconds
idg(config throttle)#
Idea / RFE Review. Thank you very much for taking the time to raise this enhancement request. Apologies for any confusion, you can use the "show xml-names-status" command to see usage so that will help you tune the warn-threshold parameter which can be set by "qcode-warn" command. When the warn-threshold is reached, the DataPower writes an alert to the log. But before that, it will trigger a clean up first. Therefore, the “warn threshold level” parameter also sets a threshold to begin the refresh or clean up XML Names short of the warning level. In other words setting this level will affect when cleanup is triggered. So, in summary the product in its current form has the mechanism of what is being asked for here.
That only shows the xml names status, don´t allow to do the tasks that are mentioned in the idea, i think yu don´t understand the idea, please read again.
show xml-names-status provides the same functionality.