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Hello Brian,
Nice to see that !
Ludwig Warnotte
Le mar. 25 mai 2021 �� 20:09, IBM (Brian Din) <> a ��crit :
> R��pondez �� ce message pour que votre r��ponse soit ajout��e �� l'id��e
> [image: Integration]
> ORCHESTRATOR : Add "find command" to Local File Operation a chang�� le
> statut en: Planned for future release
> *Context*
> To extract all files were present in folder and subfolder on faspex
> Package (send with select folder button). We use Ruby code to execute
> "find" command.
> ------------------------------
> *What we want*
> Native implementation on Local File Operation plugin. Find search files
> and/or folder
> ------------------------------
> *Description of the existing*
> it have already other command "delete", "move", "touch","list","tar". on
> Local file operation plugin.
> ------------------------------
> *Ruby Code (exemple)*
> ```ruby
> require 'open3'
> folder = inputs['folder']
> command = "find " + "\"" + folder + "\"" + " -type f "
> stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command)
> files = stdout.split("\n")
> outputs['files'] = files
> outputs['stdout'] = stdout
> outputs['stderr'] = stderr
> outputs['status'] = status
> outputs['command'] = command
> ```
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