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All ideas

Showing 785

Regarding Multiple Sessions in Appliance UI

We need to understand the ability of creating multiple sessions using single user ID in MQ on the application (admin portal) i.e. concurrent logins are not prohibited making application prone to password sharing and chances of distorted audit trai...
almost 4 years ago in MQ, MQ Advanced & MQ Appliance 1 Not under consideration

Include Hypervisor host in ILMT UUID filtering configuration

When processing multiple Hypervisor instances such as VMware there is the possibility of duplicate UUIDs between VMware instances although the UUID is unique within a single VMware instance. Including the Hypervisor instance in the filtering proce...
over 1 year ago in IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) 1 Not under consideration

REST API JSON response unification

If you query for Object which has multiple childs, JSON response will contain a list, eg. [{}, {}, {}, ...]But if same object has only one child, JSON response does not contain list but directly child, eg. {} Feature should be, that if only one ch...
over 6 years ago in DataPower Gateway 1 Not under consideration

IMS Input node

Please provide an IMS Input node similar to the existing WESB IMS export binding
about 10 years ago in App Connect 3 Not under consideration

REST API to retrieve statistics about data imports

I'd like to have a REST API to quickly obtain the statistics of Data imports. The goal of this is to monitor the process of data load within ILMT with Zabbix/Grafana or other monitoring tools that can gather data calling the proper REST API. In ot...
over 2 years ago in IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) 1 Not under consideration

Make Header Injection/Suppression an Object

Change the Header Injection and Suppression parameters of services to reference an object rather than an array of individual service settings.
over 6 years ago in DataPower Gateway 1 Not under consideration

Client Secret Rotation

API Connect application client id & secret don't expire so there is no way to force consumers to change it regularly. API Connect should provide either secret expiry or means to get the last password update date so that we can implement one on...
almost 4 years ago in API Connect 1 Not under consideration

Allow IgnoreSeqNumberMismatch at channel level

in qm.ini you can specify IgnoreSeqNumberMismatch=Y/N for the queue manager, would be good if this could be done at channel level as part of the define where message sequence/reset is not a issue for specific channels.. and for z/OS
over 2 years ago in MQ, MQ Advanced & MQ Appliance 1 Not under consideration

Fully synchronous replication in HA-DR solutions

A disaster is not an excuse to lose messages. Some systems require no loss of data for a local failure, (HA), and also for a site failure, (DR). Unless RQDM HA-DR or Native HA-DR solutions fully support synchronous replication we will be unable to...
over 2 years ago in MQ, MQ Advanced & MQ Appliance 1 Not under consideration

Enhance mqsivault to provide an option to disable the display of passwords when creating the vault.

This is useful for a shared integration node environment where we don't want our operators to find out the passwords using the vault key. Operator will know the vault key but they cannot retrieve the passwords if the vault was created with the dis...
over 1 year ago in App Connect 1 Not under consideration