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Thank you for taking the time to raise this enhancement request. We'd like to ensure that the current capabilities of mqsicredentials are understood ... When dealing with node-owned servers, although the vault key used in the administrative commands is "node-wide" in terms of where credentials are stored, we have a separate vault on disk per integration server in addition to one for the integration node itself. Each of these vaults share the same vault-key. This reinforces the architectural model whereby integration nodes manage a set of servers ... but also allows flexibility when defining credentials using the mqsicredentials command to target a specific integration server for the credentials, or all servers owned by the node. With this understood, we are keen to learn more about the specific use case - we acknowledge that the credentials vault could be improved in terms of some of its dynamic behaviours when adapting behaviour to take account of updated credentials which currently requires a restart. Currently, new credentials are used immediately but changed credentials are not used until restart. Is this the core behaviour which you'd like to see changed through this RFE? Perhaps you could expand on the use case by explaining the precise commands you've tried to execute and how you were hoping behaviour might be different.