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Idea / RFE Review. Apologies for the length of time this request has been held in the status of Uncommitted Candidate / Future Consideration. Since initially raised, it has been our long-term strategy to simplify and improve the portability of the stateful files which IIB holds on disk. Large steps forward were made with the evolution of ACEv11 and the removal of the UUIDs from the integration server's on-disk structures. These changes, coupled with the mqsiextractcomponents command (which operates on a zip file created using mqsibackupbroker), provide us the framework to now be able to move ACE implementations between different platforms. There are still a small number of differences in the format of certain files we store - entries made using the mqsisetdbparms command are still endian specific, and there are a few registry files on windows that still hold .dat extensions that are an issue when moving to/from Windows. The mqsiextractcomponents command has been designed to deal with these anomalies, so if you want to port an integration node backup from one platform to another, you can use the mqsibackupbroker command and then the mqsiextractcomponents command (instead of mqsirestorebroker command). The ACEv11 mqsiextractcomponents command wasn't designed to recognise ACEv11 backups, but the ACEv12 mqsiextractcomponents command can be run against an ACEv11 or ACEv12 backup in order to move operating system. Given these advances, the status of the idea is closed.
We approve of the use case here, ie ability to easily port a node/broker definition between systems which may be based on different OSes. Alteration of the mqsibackup command is likely not the best way of achieving this due to the UUID values which are included as part of the IIB configuration store on disk, and also naming conventions for the artifacts on particular OS. That said, the spirit of the RFE is good, so status is updated to Uncommitted Candidate.
Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - WebSphere
Product family - Integration
Product - IBM Integration Bus (WebSphere Message Broker) - IIB
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - WebSphere
Product family - Connectivity and Integration
Product - IBM Integration Bus (WebSphere Message Broker) - IIB