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PINNED Add a "Maximum persistent reuse" parameter for the backside of an MPGW or WSP
On an MPGW or a WSP, I want to be able to configure that the persistent backside connection should be closed after X amount of requests have been sent through that connection. I can already do this for the frontside by setting the "Maximum persist...
PINNED supports ECDH-ES algorithms for JWE
Debit or credit card tokenizers (THALES / VISA / Etc.) implement JWE with ECDH as an encryption mechanism for sensitive data in the different flows applicable to wallets such as Apple Pay, GPay, etc. given its wide diffusion and easy adoption.

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Showing 566

Analytics retention space reuse

Customers can reuse their storage assigned for Analytics.Customers running with API Connect deployed on VMware - OVA.If the retention period assigned to Analytics is exceeded, it must be possible to automatically eliminate the retention of analyti...
11 months ago in API Connect 2 Delivered

Switch from Basic Authentication to OAuth 2.0 in Email Input Nod

In accordance with the announced deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online (O365) by Microsoft, as well as the modernization of IT environment, we are working on the project to transition of our Application / Solution / Device to Mode...
over 2 years ago in App Connect 7 Delivered

Request for encrypted basic authentication details swagger export/import from/to API manager

When API definition is downloaded as swagger definition from API management UI, it contains username and password in plain text. Also, during swagger import for creating new API , it requires username and password in plain text for invoke/proxy po...
over 5 years ago in API Connect 0 Delivered

SFTP Cipher,MAC and Kex's missingin MQ MFT

We connected to world renown banks to transfer file and they identified our IBM MQ MFT is not compliance and up-to date with latest cipher, IBM should take security seriously and update these later ciphers, Macs and Kexs time to time to comply wit...
almost 1 year ago in MQ, MQ Advanced & MQ Appliance 1 Delivered

Add "New Web Service Proxy" wizard to the new Carbon UI

The new Carbon UI does not contain all features that exist in the "old" UI. Espcially the interactive wizard to create a new WS-Proxy service has not been implemented in the new UI and has been, among other wizards, marked as deprecated (see https...
over 1 year ago in DataPower Gateway 0 Delivered

Allowing the use of OAuth Providers with duplicate basePath

Some financial institutions using APIC v5 platform provided by SBI publish multiple OAuth Provider APIs with the same base path but different scopes to FinTech clients. However base path must be unique in v10. If they change the base path to make ...
about 4 years ago in API Connect 2 Delivered

Request to Disable Deprecated SSH Host Key Algorithms (ssh-rsa and ssh-dss) in Datapower next release

We request IBM to provide a feature in future Datapower releases that allows administrators to disable the use of deprecated SSH host key algorithms such as ssh-rsa and ssh-dss. These algoritms have know vulnerabilities, and continued use can expo...
5 months ago in DataPower Gateway 3 Delivered

support for ecdsa algorithm (verification signature)

In Belgium new EIDS are from now on issued with Elleptic Curve and those EIDS need to sign the message in our environment. So a verification of ecdsa is needed afterwards in the flow/rule of datapower. And the validation of those credentials need ...
over 3 years ago in DataPower Gateway 1 Delivered

Provide topic or subscribtion option to duplicate msg id

When messages are published to a topic, either via a direct publish, or by putting the messages to a qalias with targtype(topic) a message id is assigned. When the message is delivered to any subscriber, a different msg id appears on the message. ...
over 11 years ago in MQ, MQ Advanced & MQ Appliance 23 Delivered

Analytic usage problem after installation new version of APIC

We request development for the Analytics part of the application. Since the new Analytics no longer works with Kibana, we cannot select fields and add them as columns while performing analysis. Therefore, it becomes difficult to conduct an accurat...
over 1 year ago in API Connect 1 Delivered