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Updated Use Case List:
1. Make channel Status and Queue Status information available on the MQ Console
2. Ability to PUT the messages greater than 1024 characters in the queue
3. Ability to PUT the messages from a file to the queue.
4. Display the MQMD headers in the message browse. - <>
5. Ability to destructive read (MQGET) the messages from the queue. - >
6. Ability to copy/move messages from one queue to another queue.
7. Ability to BROWSE messages greater than 1024 characters from the message queues.
8. Ability to display non-XML (binary messages) on the web console.
Thank you,
Few of the features originally requested in the RFE are now available in the MQ version These features are:
1. Display the MQMD headers in the message browse.
2. Ability to destructive read (MQGET) the messages from the queue.
However the following key features are still required for us to retire the third party administration tool/utilities.
1. Ability to PUT messages greater than 1024 characters to the messages queues.
2. Ability to BROWSE messages greater than 1024 characters from the message queues.
3. Ability to display non-XML (binary message) on the web console
Thank you,
Attachment (Description): XML messages are displayed without any issue.
Attachment (Description): Binary messages do not get displayed on the MQ web console during the browse operation.
There is one more point I'd like to add which seems to be a shortcoming in the existing version of MQ web console.
There is no ability to display the binary messages (non-XML) when you browse on the MQ web console as part of the MQ version This shortcomings makes us go back and use other third party administration tools to view the binary messages for testing.
As the web console evolves, we do expect that at least some of these requirements will be implemented.